
Technical Assistance


I am a former VM and I am at present stationed at Maryborough as the Officer in Charge of the Wide Bay Forensic Crash Unit. 

I have been given the responsibility (volunteered) of looking after a 1959 Ferret Scout Car.  The vehicle is in immaculate condition and is owned by John MEYERS, the owner of the Maryborough Military and Colonial Museum.  The vehicle is one of only two registered for road use in Queensland. 

I have noted that the vehicle seems to have developed an oil leak around the front left axle hub and the rear left hub.  I suspect seals in there may have perished.

I was wondering if any of the members out there maybe able to advise me where we maybe able to track down some parts for this old vehicle?


Steve WEBB

Officer in Charge

Wide Bay Burnett Forensic Crash Unit

Queensland Police Service

176 Lennox Street, Maryborough, Qld 4650

Ph:  (07) 4123 8122 Fax:  (07) 4123 8144


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