G'day Gents,
Please pass the word if you know of anyone looking for people for these or similar roles. Two guys from the same company over East were made redundant today and I am putting feelers out for them.
They may be willing to relocate and also to accept slightly lower type roles. One is ex RAEME and the other worked for me as a Workshop Manager here at Regal. I would vouch for both of them.
If anyone is interested or may have something available anywhere in Australia, give me their contact details and I'll pass them on to these guys.
Cheers Jono
Jon O'Grady
General Manager
P (08) 9376 9627 | F (08) 9477 6877 | M 0439 444 432 | E
72 Hyne Road, South Guildford WA 6055
PO Box 78, Guildford WA 6935