
TAC Markings

Hello dear folks of RAEME,

I am making an enquiry regarding what physical signage and TAC markings would have been on engineers trucks during the Second World War. I am currently restoring a 1942 Ford CMP truck in the livery of my Fathers infantry battalion, and will soon be acquiring another truck that I wish to present as an engineers vehicle of some type. My Son Bryce enlisted late last year, and after marching out from Kapooka in January, is now a member of RAEME at Bandiana where he is about to commence his training as a vehicle mechanic. My Wife and I are extremely proud of his chosen career, and with that in mind I would like to restore my second vehicle in his honour, and to acknowledge the contribution the Corp have made to Australias military history. I had hoped to buy a copy of the RAEME book and search for the information myself, but was disappointed (but not surprised) to see it has sold out.

I would greatly appreciate any information or photos you can provide.

Sincerely yours,

Anthony (Tony) Baker
Military Vehicle Restorer
Queensland, Australia.

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